Access to the College Green area of campus will be restricted until further notice. Current students, faculty and staff with a valid Penn card may enter and exit Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center through the Rosengarten Undergraduate Study Center on the ground floor, and may enter and exit the Fisher Fine Arts Library through the 34th Street entrance to Meyerson Hall

During reading period, April 30 to May 14: Access to both Van Pelt and Fisher Fine Arts Library is limited. Find more information.


Collection Description

The collection is primarily electronic supported by print only when necessary or not available in digital format. 

The collection also works in collaboration with the Medicine and Biology collection and serve as the main drivers of what is to be considered the Biotech Commons collection. 


Doing Research

The library provides access to multiple Biomedical research related databases, e-books, e-journals, protocols, and videos. The Biotech Commons homepage is always a good place to start. Other starting points are listed below: