Access to the College Green area of campus will be restricted until further notice. Current students, faculty and staff with a valid Penn card may enter and exit Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center through the Rosengarten Undergraduate Study Center on the ground floor, and may enter and exit the Fisher Fine Arts Library through the 34th Street entrance to Meyerson Hall

During reading period, April 30 to May 14: Access to both Van Pelt and Fisher Fine Arts Library is limited. Find more information.

Virtual Study Break

Need a study break? Visit the Virtual Study Break Canvas site for a collection of stress-relieving activities and onsite events.

This event has already occurred

April 24 – May 9, 2023
Open to Penn Students Only
Line drawing of Penn's college hall and Broken Button sculpture

Staying up late studying? Performing last-minute research? Then it’s time for a study break! Taking breaks can help reduce stress and improve your ability to focus on a task.

Visit the Virtual Study Break Canvas site for a collection of stress-relieving activities from the Penn Libraries leading up to and during Reading Days and Finals. Activities include games, puzzles, coloring, virtual reality pet-centric meetups, and more! Discover free in-person events hosted by Penn Libraries, such as tea time and a wellness walk. Additionally, there are resources to help with research, studying, and stress management.

Enjoy some mindful downtime so you can return to studying feeling refreshed, focused, and energized. Whether you have been studying for five minutes or five hours, Penn Libraries has you covered.