Environmental Ethics and Justice

Extensive collection of books and other resources related to ethical aspects of climate change, ecological justice, sustainability and other broadly environmental topics. Retrospective and prospective strengths build on the availability of relevant endowments and collecting strategies to identify interdisciplinary works.

Cover of the book Slow Burn by Penn Professor R. Jisung Park

Collection Overview

The Libraries collections on environmental ethics and justice cross all disciplinary borders. While most related resources have a philosophical aspect related to the context of ethics and justice, the contents may focus on business, law, policy, earth science, construction and urban development, to take only some examples. A catalog search for material that is about the environment and at least related to themes of ethics and justice returns thousands of results. Including:

  • Over 140 streaming videos, including documentaries such as On the Fenceline, chronicling the polluted and predominantly African American neighborhood in Southwest Philadelphia bordering the former Sunoco/Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery.
  • Hundreds of works of grey literature and policy papers in the Climate Change and Law database.
  • Almost 300 government documents received through the Federal Depository Library Program or intergovernmental sources such as the International Monetary Fund.

In addition, our collections include numerous scholarly and popular books such as those in Routledge Studies in Environmental Justice and in Elgar Handbooks and Companions. We also maintain a strong collection of reference material about environmental ethics and justice, which is especially important because the field is growing so quickly. We own, for example, the Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics and Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene and a wide range of handbooks and companions such as the Routledge Companion ot Environmental Ethics. The extraordinary range of relevant resources are seen in the research guides listed below.

