Library closures on 2/14: Most libraries, along with other University operations, will close on Friday, February 14 due to the logistical and transportation impacts of the Eagles Parade. The Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center and study facilities of the Holman Biotech Commons will be open, but all other services and events are suspended. See our Services Alerts for details. Go Birds!

Policies vary by library location. See below for more information.


Accordion Column of Lists

​​​​​​Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup)

  • Meals are permitted in Mark's Café (ground floor).

Covered beverages and snacks are permitted except in

  • Computer labs
  • Microform areas
  • Kislak Center
  • Vitale Digital Media Lab
  • Specific areas as posted

Food and drink pose a potential risk to library collections, equipment, and furnishings. We therefore ask that you act responsibly when consuming food and drink in the library.


  • Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup)
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted.

  • Discreet snacks are permitted but NOT meals or noisy, messy, or aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup). Food is not permitted in proximity to the computers or in the study rooms. Library staff reserves the right to request that library users refrain from eating or leave the library if their food is disturbing others.
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are allowed in the Reading Room and in the journal area, at study tables only. Beverages are expressly forbidden in the Computer Teaching and Resource Room and the Reference Room.
  • Since food debris can attract vermin, please take your waste with you when you leave the library.

  • No food of any kind is allowed in the Fisher Fine Arts Library
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted.

  • No food or drink allowed in the library.

Accordion Column of Lists

  • Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup).
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted, except in the vicinity of the computers.

  • Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup).
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted, except near the library’s computers.
  • Please dispose of food- or drink-related debris in the trash bins by the East Elevators, NOT in the Museum Library’s trashcans.

  • Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup)
    - Meals are permitted at the tables outside the Library security gates.
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted.

  • No food of any kind is allowed in the library.
  • Beverages in spill-proof containers are permitted.

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