The Penn Libraries has built a new, user-focused library catalog, with a simpler look and easier search features. Explore it at


Key Tools

A clinical search engine. Searches clinically related material produced by Elsevier. Replaces MDConsult. Access includes full text textbooks, Clinics of North America, full text journals, practice guidelines, drug information, and patient education.


An easy-to-use support tool that can guide you through the Systematic Review process.  Consider using the program for any type of literature review project.

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A clinical reference tool created for point-of-care. Clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,000 topics. Synthesizes the evidence and provides analysis.


Provides full-text access to an extensive selection of dental journal literature, as well as some full-text dental monographs.


A comprehensive biomedical research database.


Information on accessing full-text articles in the University of Pennsylvania environment.

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National Board Dental Examinations review tools.


PubMed is the premier database indexing biomedical journal articles. PubMed also includes basic citations and abstracts for articles before the records are fully indexed for Medline.


Web-based citation management tool. Collect, manage, and store citations.  Add citations to your research paper and format using hundreds of bibliographic styles.


A citation database that includes literature from all fields of study, from science to the humanities. In addition to journals, the database selectively includes books and conference proceedings.


Evidence-based, clinical decision support, point-of-care resource. Comprises thousands of original topic reviews each addressing a specific clinical issue. This resource is purchased by PennMedicine and is ONLY accessible from PennMedicine locations. No remote access.

Connect from a PennMedicine location

A citation database that includes literature from all fields of study, from science to the humanities. WOS attempts to include the highest impact journals in a field of study.


Other Key Resources

Over 300 narrated videos covering human anatomy including upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk, head and neck, and internal organs.


Combines the Bates’ Physical Examination Videos with the OSCE Clinical Skills Videos for a complete assessment learning solution. The site features more than eight hours of video content.


Access your classroom material using the School of Dental Medicine’s chosen course management system.


Citation management tool: Keep track of articles and books. Make annotations. Create citations and bibliographies easily.


3D models of anatomical structures and systems, illustrations, cadaver images paired with CTI or MRI scans, definitions, pronunciations, learning presentations that use this visual content, and more.


Provides access to Lexicomp's drug information and drug interaction analysis. Dental-specific pharmacology information on over 8,000 prescription drugs, OTCs and natural products.


Profiles the most commonly used drugs in dentistry, with emphasis on dental-specific considerations.


Collection of 30+ Dental ebooks, full-text, cross-searchable.


Collection of evidence-based medicine databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.


Access/installation instructions for important health science apps and mobile-friendly sites.

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For in-depth reference assistance, problems with citation management software, workshop requests, and systematic review assistance, please contact our Head Librarian, Laurel Graham, at 215-898-8978 or at


Location and Accessibility


Evans Building Entrance Information: 4001 Spruce Street

Entry to the Evans Building, as well as the entire Dental Complex, is is located through the 40th Street entrance of the Robert Schattner Center. There is a connecting bridge to the Evans Building on several levels. There is an elevator in the Schattner Center and an elevator in the Evans Building.

Accessible Entrance

Dental Medicine Library accessible entrance

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF