The Penn Libraries has built a new, user-focused library catalog, with a simpler look and easier search features. Explore it at

Address and Contact Information

3620 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Accessibility information

For Students, Faculty, and Staff of the University of Pennsylvania

Access is unrestricted to holders of PennCards, Library Courtesy Cards, Penn Alumni Cards, and IDs from Research Libraries Group Shares Members.

For All Other Visitors

Access is unrestricted on weekdays. On weekends and holidays, access is restricted to holders of PennCards, Library Courtesy Cards, Penn Alumni Cards, and IDs from Research Libraries Group Shares Members.

Request special access by calling 215-898-6106 or emailing, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Research Services

Librarian Katie Rawson can help users locate information, form a research strategy, select relevant databases, and manage citations. The field of Communication is expansive and diverse and so are its research resources, so library staff are prepared to help navigate Penn’s rich resource environment and beyond. Walk-in assistance is encouraged but users can also phone or email ahead before making a special trip.

Besides one-on-one assistance to Penn students, staff, and faculty, Annenberg faculty may request classroom library instruction sessions and group project support. They may also request customized searches from the librarian.