Library closures on 2/14: Most libraries, along with other University operations, will close on Friday, February 14 due to the logistical and transportation impacts of the Eagles Parade. The Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center and study facilities of the Holman Biotech Commons will be open, but all other services and events are suspended. See our Services Alerts for details. Go Birds!

  • Exhibit

Beautiful Blackbird: The Creative Spirit of Ashley Bryan

In 2019 the Ashley Bryan Center donated the archive of the renowned artist, author, and humanitarian Ashley Bryan, who died last year at the age of 98, to the Kislak Center at the Penn Libraries. This exhibition explores his century-long story, the story of one man—seeking his place in a world that did not always welcome him, finding himself through observation and expression, and using his creative gifts to make sense of his life and to help others to do the same.

This event has already occurred

April 6 - July 21, 2023
Goldstein Family Gallery, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, sixth floor
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

Ashley Bryan, Village Voices, ca. 1992, painting based on an illustration in Sing to the Sun (1992) (2022 gift of the Ashley Bryan Center)

In 2019 the Ashley Bryan Center donated the archive of the renowned artist, author, and humanitarian Ashley Bryan, who died last year at the age of 98, to the Kislak Center at the Penn Libraries. This exhibition explores his century-long story, the story of one man — seeking his place in a world that did not always welcome him, finding himself through observation and expression, and using his creative gifts to make sense of his life and to help others to do the same.


Plan Your Visit

On view through July 21, 2023. This exhibition is free and open to the public and located in the Goldstein Gallery on the 6th floor of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. Gallery hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Weekend visits may be arranged by prior appointment: please contact Lynne Farrington, Kislak Center:, or 215-746-5828.

Penn faculty, staff, and students must swipe their PennCard for access. Visitors from outside the Penn community must present a a current, valid government or school-issued photo I.D. that contains an expiration date. Find more information to plan your visit

Featured image: Ashley Bryan, Village Voices, ca. 1992, painting based on an illustration in Sing to the Sun (1992). 2022 gift of the Ashley Bryan Center.

Original artwork by Ashley Bryan displayed on a table

About the Archive

The Ashley Bryan Archive holds hundreds of original works documenting the artist and humanitarian's long and productive career.

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