1. Chronological
Europe: Post-medieval period to the present day.
North America: European contact to the present day.
2. Formats
Print, electronic, microform, video. Monographs are generally print preferred. Periodicals are e-preferred. Videos are purchased as DVDs or video files with perpetual streaming rights when available and affordable. However, content will be purchased in any format as conditions require.
3. Geographical
Western Europe, United States, Canada, Oceania.
4. Language
Typically the Libraries acquires publications in English and in the languages of the areas studied, especially European languages.
5. Publication dates
Emphasis on current materials. Some retrospective purchasing, especially the replacement of missing and damaged books. Primary sources from any period.
6. Method of publication
Products that lead to open access publication receive priority. Proprietary resources receive greater consideration if they support a competitive market with freely accessible resources or using alternative funding mechanisms. Penn has a history of supporting large open access digitization projects such as those of Reveal Digital/Ithaka and Global Press Archives.