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Accordion List

The Department of Mathematics offers a full graduate program in Mathematics, and Penn offers ‎a full ‎interdisciplinary graduate program in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science. ‎Mathematics ‎Ph.D. students may apply to joint degree programs in Computer Science or ‎Statistics. Undergraduate ‎students can major in Mathematics and Biological Mathematics.‎

  1. Chronological

    Emphasis is on current research.
  2. Formats

    The Libraries collects monographic series, monographs, databases, datasets, and journals in print ‎and electronic formats that can be maintained by the Libraries’ infrastructure. Journals are ‎collected with a preference for electronic format, but print is collected if a viable electronic form ‎is unavailable. Perpetual access, user experience, faculty preference, physical space, and cost ‎factor into format decisions.‎
  3. Geographical

    Not applicable
  4. Language

    The primary language is English, however materials in other languages or their translations may ‎also be acquired.‎
  5. Publication Dates

    The emphasis is on current publications.
  6. Other

    The Libraries strives to acquire materials that support equity in learning and research that meet ‎ADA ‎and WC3 accessibility guidelines.‎

    The Libraries actively evaluate and support open access publishing models for scholarly work in ‎‎Mathematics. Models are assessed on a case-by-case basis on criteria such as equitable access to ‎‎production and dissemination, sustainability, licensing terms, and cost.‎

Faculty, staff, and student recommendations, approval plans, and standing orders for monographic ‎series are principle sources for acquisitions. Publishers' catalogs and communications are also ‎consulted.‎

Historical, philosophical, instructional exposition, biographical, bibliographies, dictionaries, ‎general audience, and recreational works.‎

The Lippincott Library collects materials on statistics and the application of mathematics to ‎business. The Engineering and Computer Science Collection offers support for computer science ‎and select aspects of applied mathematics. The Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center collects social science, historical, ‎philosophical, biographical, instructional exposition, bibliographies, dictionaries, general ‎audience, and recreational works.‎

Due to the proximity of the Drexel University Libraries, reciprocal user arrangements have been established. Penn faculty can register at Drexel's libraries for borrowing privileges, and Penn graduate students use letters of introduction to establish borrowing privileges at Drexel.