Aegyptus Electreus

This digital collection contains excavation reports, philological works, and museum catalogs published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and scanned to create .pdf files in 2006-2007.

A photograph of three ancient Egyptian objects in an exhibition case (from left to right): statue of an Egyptian god, statue of an owl, and statue of an Egyptian goddess)

Collection Overview

In an effort to protect older books in the Penn Museum Library's Egyptology collection, the library acquired scanned copies from Yare Egyptology 2004-2007. These files were stored on CDs and arranged in binders at the Penn Museum Library Desk, but several CDs are no longer readable. Patrons with an active PennKey or using the Penn computer network should be able to access the following titles online using the PennKey sign-on system, but these digital files are not available to the wider public. 

Electronic Holdings by Author

Resources Available on CD Only

  • Davies, No. de G. (1903-1908) 2003. THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. 6 VOLS. Archaeological Survey of Egypt Memoirs 13-18. Worcester, U.K.: Yare Egyptology, 2003. DT57 E323 no.13-18 2003
  • Davies, No. de G. 2004. THE ROCK TOMBS OF DEIR EL GEBRÂWI. 2 vols. Archaeological Survey of Egypt / Egypt Exploration Fund 11-12th Memoir. Worcester, U.K.: Yare Egyptology, 2004. DT57 .E323 no.11-12 2004
  • Garstang, J. (1907) 2005. THE BURIAL CUSTOMS OF THE THIRD EGYPTIAN DYNASTY AS ILLUSTRATED BY TOMBS OF THE MIDDLE KINGDOM. Worcester, U.K.: Yare Egyptology, 2005. DT62 T6 G2 2005


Holding Location
Date Range

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