Curtis Collection of Franklin Imprints

Significant examples of Benjamin Franklin's work as a Philadelphia printer are preserved in the Curtis Collection, donated by the Curtis Publishing Company in 1920 and containing more than 300 titles printed by Franklin and his associates between 1719 and 1786.

Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania (Philadelphia 1749)

Collection Overview

The Curtis Collection contains copies of Poor Richard's Almanac; religious treatises; colonial laws; and Indian treaties printed by Franklin. The Rare Book and Manuscript Library also holds a partial set of The Pennsylvania Gazette, printed by Franklin. Of particular importance to the history of the University of Pennsylvania are Franklin's pamphlets—some written as well as printed by him—concerning the educational philosophy upon which he hoped to establish the Academy out of which Penn was to grow. Also in the collection are several imprints from Franklin's press in Passy, France.


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