Hindi and Bollywood Film
The Van Pelt Video Collection is home to more than 1,400 Hindi-language films as well as scholarly and popular books about Hindi and Bollywood film culture.

Collection Overview
The Penn Libraries is home to one of the largest South Asian collections of any research library system in the United States. It follows that the libraries have actively collected films from the Subcontinent, with expansive coverage of Hindi cinema from its earliest years to present, an in-depth collection of Bollywood films, and other films from other regional and local-language film industries in India as well, representing the South Asian languages taught at Penn. In addition to films in the Van Pelt Video Collection, we collect monographs, e-books, and other materials about directors, figures in film and the motion picture industry in South Asia, from popular biographies and memoirs to scholarly monographs.
Most of the available films are listed here. Use the facets on the left to limit results to languages, producers, dates and subjects in which you are interested.
Accordion List