These materials appear to have been collected during the Revolution or shortly after. The original collector is not known: John H. Jensen has suggested that it may be Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris, a journalist and Jacobin who may have known William Maclure (see Jensen, "Collector and Collection: A Note," The Maclure Collection of French Revolutionary Materials , xx-xxiii). They were acquired ca. 1815-19 by Maclure (1763-1840), a merchant, geologist, and social reformer. Maclure brought the collection to Philadelphia. It has passed through several institutions in Philadelphia: originally donated by Maclure to the Academy of Natural Sciences (of which he was an early member), it passed to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and then to the University of Pennsylvania Libraries in 1949. The volumes were rebound by the University of Pennsylvania Libraries after they arrived (between 1949 and 1962).