The Museum Library is closed from 12/21/24 to 1/21/25 due to facilities projects. Patrons will not be able to request materials or scans from the Museum Library's print collections, retrieve materials from the stacks, or pick up or return books during this time. See our Service Alerts for more information.

Systematic Review Tools

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are at the top of the Evidence Practice pyramid and are used for decision making in clinical care. We provide several tools to help our librarians and researchers in carrying out these very important evidence syntheses.

Forest plot

Collection Overview

Covidence is tool used to screen, select, evaluate and extract the relevant information. It is very easy to use and provides risk of bias templates and extraction tools.

Cochrane Revman facilitates the creation of meta-analyses, forest plots, risk-of-bias tables, and other systematic review elements.

Cochrane Interactive Learning- is a module based, interactive instruction tool that guides users through the steps and pitfalls of a systematic review. 


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