For routine processing inquiries, contact Sarah Bauman at 215-898-8969 or
For other questions or information about copyright restrictions, contact Laurel Graham at 215-898-8978 or
To find out what books are on reserve for your course, go to your course's Canvas page and select "Course Materials @ Penn Libraries" in the navigation list on the left. If your instructor has set up a reading list using library resources, it will appear there.
The Dental Reserve Collection is located behind the Circulation Desk. Reserve items can be borrowed for up to 4 hours at a time, with possibility of extension for special circumstances or if there are multiple copies available. Patrons should ask the Circulation Desk attendant to retrieve reserve items.
For routine processing inquiries, contact Sarah Bauman at 215-898-8969 or
For other questions or information about copyright restrictions, contact Laurel Graham at 215-898-8978 or