Basic headphones can be checked out in the following locations:

Accordion List

Who may borrow?

Current Penn students, faculty and staff with PennKey and active PennCard.

For how long?

Four hours (in-library use only)

How to reserve?

First come, first served. Ask at the circulation desk

Who may borrow?

Current Penn students, faculty, and staff with PennKey and active PennCard.

For how long?

Four hours

Overdue fines:

$25/day up to three days overdue, full replacement cost thereafter.

How to reserve equipment (reservation site has more details)

Black headphones.


Seven (7) pairs basic headphones

Who may borrow?

Current Penn Vet students, faculty and staff with PennKey and active PennCard.

For how long?

Normally, items may be checked out for four hours. However, you may request extended checkout periods at the front desk.

Overdue fines:

$25/day late fee starting one minute after the scheduled return time.


Equipment may be checked out or returned when the service desk is staffed.

Special arrangements for a longer borrowing period may be made by contacting library staff on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Replacement cost:


No reservation required.

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees