• Lecture

Truth Be Told: Black Women and the Making of a Democracy

Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Rutgers University

In conversation with Dean John L. Jackson, Jr. (Annenberg School for Communication), Dunbar will discuss the central role played by Black women in the founding of the nation and their centuries’ long agitation and activism to force the nation to live up to its promises.

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October 25, 2022, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Irvine Auditorium, 3401 Spruce St., University of Pennsylvania
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

Dr. Erica Dunbar

This program is free and open to the public. No registration required.

As we approach the 250th commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the United States is still wrestling with the nation's founding principles. Words such as "freedom" and "democracy" are just as charged today as they were more than two centuries ago, and the quest to form a "more perfect union" is far from complete.

For the past twenty years, historian, writer, and producer Erica Armstrong Dunbar has devoted her life to thinking deeply about these issues, and has produced scholarship (both academic and public) to help us make sense of the long arc of history. With each one of her texts or television shows, Dunbar has centered Black women, demonstrating to all that one of the best ways to understand America, both past and present, is to do so through the eyes of Black women. Least protected and often discarded, Black women lived, loved, struggled, prayed, and worked to survive and thrive in a nation that kept them in bondage or living under the oppression of segregation throughout the majority of this nation’s history.

Event Series

Signatures of eight signers of the Declaration of Independence with a connection to the University of Pennsylvania superimposed on an engraving of Benjamin Franklin

America 250 at Penn

The University of Pennsylvania (then the College of Philadelphia), located in the heart of the city, was at the center of the dramatic events of 1776 and the Revolution that followed. Members of the Penn community were closely linked to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and other founding documents.

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