The Museum Library is closed from 12/21/24 to 1/21/25 due to facilities projects. Patrons will not be able to request materials or scans from the Museum Library's print collections, retrieve materials from the stacks, or pick up or return books during this time. See our Service Alerts for more information.

  • Lecture

The First Quarter Century of European Printing

Paul Needham, Librarian, The Scheide Library

These lectures cover the early development and spread of printing technologies in Europe.

This event has already occurred

March 18, 19, and 21, 2013. Lectures begin 5:30pm @ Orrery Pavilion, Kislak Center
Orrery Pavilion, Kislak Center, 6th Floor Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
Open to the Public
Detail from Biblia Latina, [Mainz: Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust, before August 1456], courtesy of the William H. Scheide Library, Princeton University Library


  • March 18, 2013: The 1450s: Bookmaking Inventions
  • March 19, 2013: The 1460s: Slow Diaspora
  • March 21, 2013: 1470-1475: The Sowing of Printing Shops

Event Series

Man standing in front of wall of bookshelves holding open book

The A.S.W. Rosenbach Lectures in Bibliography

The Rosenbach Lectures are the longest continuing series of bibliographical lectureships in the United States. Rosenbach Fellows typically present three lectures over a period of one-two weeks.

Featured image: Detail from Biblia Latina, [Mainz: Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust, before August 1456]
Courtesy of the William H. Scheide Library, Princeton University Library

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