Behind the Scenes

Join the catalogers of the Kislak Center to learn about their favorite behind-the-scenes moments found between the covers of rare books and deep in the folders of archival collections.

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October 17, 2017, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Orrery Pavilion, Kislak Center, 6th Floor Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
Engraving of Prince Henry, Poins, and Falstaff from Shakespeare's King Henry IV

The hurried scratching of pencil on paper as a code-breaker races against time...
The nervous pacing of an actress...
Sibilant whispers of advice into the ears of the powerful...
The crumpled publisher's rejection letter, together with an annotated and crossed out draft...

These are the invisible sights and unheard sounds of the moments before the big moments ... before the counter-attack is launched, the play performed, an execution ordered, a new bestseller published. 

Catalogers are always behind the scenes, where they delight in finding previously lost or hidden secrets and making them available to the public. Join the catalogers of the Kislak Center to learn about their favorite behind-the-scenes moments found between the covers of rare books and deep in the folders of archival collections. Linger over our selections at your leisure or go behind the library scenes with a special one-night-only tour of the Special Collections Processing Center. Part of Archives Month Philly.

Event Series

Archives Month Philly

Archives Month Philly

Celebrating archives, the work of archivists, and the rich history of Philadelphia at events across the city and surrounding areas.

Featured Image: Engraving detail of Prince Henry, Poins, and Falstaff from Shakespeare's King Henry IV, Part I, Furness Theatrical Image Collection, Kislak Center

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