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Charters, Seals, and Keys: Penn Presidential Insignia and Inaugurations

In Honor of the Inauguration of Penn's Ninth President, Elizabeth Magill

Homecoming Weekend 2022

This event has already occurred

October 21, 10am-5pm, and October 22, 10am-6pm
Henry Charles Lea Library, 6th floor, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

Ceremonial keys to the College, University of Pennsylvania, 1895

This display, on the occasion of the inauguration of Elizabeth Magill, Penn's Ninth President, will highlight the historical documents and traditional insignia of Penn and university presidents. Penn’s founding charters and constitutions from 1749, 1753 and 1755 along with the ceremonial keys of the University used in inaugurations since 1895 will be displayed along with documents from previous past inaugurations.

View the display in the Henry Charles Lea Library in Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. No registration required.

Image: Ceremonial keys to the College, with insignia and cushion, used for the June 11, 1895 inauguration of Charles C. Harrison as provost.