Coffee with a Codex: Genealogical Roll

An informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually with Kislak curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. Everyone is welcome to attend.

On December 13, Curator Dot Porter and cataloger Amey Hutchins showed us Ms. Roll 1066, an illuminated chronicle tracing the descent of Edward IV from Adam, through Brut and Arthur , and the historical kings of England. Written and illustrated in England, probably London, soon after the accession of Edward IV in 1461. (OPenn, BiblioPhilly, Online edition, CWAC Recording)

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December 13, 2022, 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

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