Intro to ORCID

Join Nicky Agate (Penn Libraries) and Lisa Nichols (Office of Research Services) as they discuss the advantages of getting an ORCID for research visibility, getting credit for a broad range of work, and reducing the amount of time you spend filling out forms!

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September 28, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Open to the Public
ORCiD Logo

Spend more time conducting your research and less time on administration! ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free, unique, persistent identifier for students, postdocs and faculty conducting research. Your ORCID iD: 

  • Reliably connects you with your research contributions and affiliations, regardless of whether you change jobs, your name, or your field of research
  • Ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you and makes them more discoverable to others
  • Reduces data entry:
    • Research funders and publishers are integrating ORCIDs with their electronic systems allowing manuscript submission and grant application forms to be pre-populated with your ORCID information (e.g., SciENcv)  
    • Trusted organizations (e.g., NIH and Penn) can add grant and other information to your record if you permit it