Library closures on 2/14: Most libraries, along with other University operations, will close on Friday, February 14 due to the logistical and transportation impacts of the Eagles Parade. The Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center and study facilities of the Holman Biotech Commons will be open, but all other services and events are suspended. See our Services Alerts for details. Go Birds!

  • Lecture

Elizabeth Fee, Illustrated: Encountering Her Through Art and Manuscripts in the Fee Papers

Kelin Baldridge, Processing Archivist, Kislak Center Special Collections Processing Center


This event has already occurred

February 24, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Virtual (link will be sent to registrants)
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

Fee family hiking a mountain on Lantau Island, Hong Kong, Elizabeth Fee papers

This talk, by Kelin Baldridge, Processing Archivist in the Kislak Center Special Collections Processing Center, will introduce former Chief of the History of Medicine Division at the National Library of Medicine and dynamic public health historian, Elizabeth Fee, through several items from the Elizabeth Fee papers that demonstrate her life, work, and character. Paintings by her artist mother illustrate Fee’s early life as a world-travelling missionary’s daughter and correspondence reveals her professional fortitude and lifelong commitment to advocating for and promoting the stories of marginalized people and groups. By bringing together selected items from her personal papers, this talk will demonstrate what an archive can reveal about a person and their character in addition to giving insight into Elizabeth Fee’s life and work.

Event Series

Elzevier Collection duodecimos.

From the Kislak Stacks

Join us for these monthly lunchtime presentations (noon – 1 pm) by Kislak curators, faculty, and students focusing on specific works or small archives/collections found among the holdings of the Kislak Center.

Featured image: Deirdre Fee’s rendition of the Fee family hiking a mountain on Lantau Island, Hong Kong, circa 1946-1947 (Elizabeth Fee Papers, Ms. Coll. 1471, 6.5)

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