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  • Lecture

Conspiracy Theory and Political Culture, Past and Present

A Conversation with The Atlantic’s Adrienne LaFrance and James McAuley

This event has already occurred

October 19, 2021, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Open to the Public

Hosted by: Kislak Center

John Bull and Uncle Sam sharing secrets.

Join Adrienne LaFrance, executive editor of The Atlantic and James McAuley, The Atlantic contributor and author of The House of Fragile Things, a history of Dreyfus-era France, for a conversation around the long history of conspiracy theory and its role in political culture, then and now. The discussion will be moderated by Sophia Rosenfeld, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History at Penn.

More about the Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair

Event Series

About the Speakers

Featured image: Detail from Caran d’Ache, “Au coin du bois,” Psst...!, no. 16, May 21, 1898 (Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair)

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