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Penn Libraries Presents Jim Hahn on MARVA Bibframe

Join the Penn Libraries as we present the work and research of our Library staff.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Open to Penn Students, Faculty, and Staff
Penn Libraries Presents

The Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards office has been engaged in standards redevelopment for BIBFRAME and in the re-engineering of cataloging tools such as the Marva metadata editor for native BIBFRAME description.

Using the Mavra linked data editor, along with ExLibris catalog APIs that interface with Alma, metadata research outputs from the University of Pennsylvania Library produced a reusable data flow such that BIBFRAME in its native Library of Congress structure ( BIBFRAME in XML/RDF) can now be directly posted into Alma.

This presentation will detail how the incorporation of native BIBFRAME descriptions in Alma was accomplished by way of RESTful web services and Marva configuration. Catalogers at the University of Pennsylvania library are able to use a locally configured and locally hosted Marva system for creation of BIBFRAME descriptions that post directly to Alma as native BIBFRAME.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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