• Lecture

Revealing Galen's Simples

This symposium will feature the oldest known translation of Galen's On the Mixtures and Powers of Simple Drugs, and presentations by imaging specialists, Syriac scholars, and historians of medicine working to reveal the secrets of this challenging manuscript.

This event has already occurred

April 30, 2016, 9:00am - 5:30pm
Orrery Pavilion, Kislak Center, 6th Floor Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
Page from the Galen Palimpsest in natural color and after processing to reveal the under text (2015).

An article published in the New York Times on June 1, 2015, described the discovery of a Syriac manuscript that contained the oldest known translation of Galen's On the Mixtures and Powers of Simple Drugs. The text of this manuscript was erased in the eleventh century. Scientists and scholars from around the world are working to recover it. This symposium will feature the manuscript itself and presentations by imaging specialists, Syriac scholars, and historians of medicine working to reveal the secrets of this challenging manuscript.

The weekend of our conference will be extremely busy on the Penn campus and some roads may be closed because of an athletics event. We earnestly advise you to walk or take public transport to the campus rather than driving. 


Featured Image: Page from the Galen Palimpsest in natural color and after processing to reveal the under text (2015).


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