• Workshop

Sequence Analysis for Mapping and Analyzing Neighborhood Change

This workshop introduces sequence analysis to develop typologies of neighborhood pathways of change. We will use a case study of racial and ethnic changes in New York City from 1980-2020 as an illustrative case study and follow a reproducible workflow in R. 

This event has already occurred

November 18, 2024, 10:00am - 11:00am
Research Data and Digital Scholarship Exchange (RDDSx), Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, First Floor
Open to Penn Students, Faculty, and Staff
Geospatial Map with colors

The methodology involves developing a cross-sectional classification of neighborhoods describing their racial and ethnic makeup at each decennial time stamp, and then clustering the longitudinal sequences to describe the predominant pathways of change.

This workshop is part of Penn GIS Day 2024, a celebration of the fascinating world of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

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