- Workshop
Dissertation and Copyright
Copyright law can be confusing at the best of times, and it's even worse when you're also trying to write your dissertation. This workshop will provide basic but essential information on how copyright law applies to the writing and deposit of your dissertation.
RSVP is required for this workshop (in-person and online).
Related Libguide: Services for Authors
This event has already occurred

This event is a part of the Lunch and Learn series at the Graduate Student Center. The series features resources and tips that will help you successfully navigate your academic experiences at Penn. Campus partners share best practices to benefit all graduate and professional students. Light lunch will be provided for in-person attendees so please register in advance so we can get an accurate headcount. If you registered for the in-person session, please show up on time! These sessions are quick so no admittance after 12:25 pm. And please pay attention to your registration choice.
Spring 2024 Support for Publishing Workshops
This workshop is part of a series hosted by the Libraries in collaboration with the Grad Center at Penn. Each workshop focuses on an element of the research or publishing process. From February through April, take part in in-person and online workshops covering citation management, impact metrics, promoting your work, selecting the right publishing venue, fair use, and more. See the full suite of workshops to support you as you make progress toward your publishing goals. Check back to keep track of new workshops being added.