The Penn Libraries has built a new, user-focused library catalog, with a simpler look and easier search features. Explore it at

Covidence is a powerful tool that can facilitate the processing of literature (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, etc.) when writing a review paper or developing other scientific work that requires document screening.  Uploaded citations are automatically deduped and extracting data from PDFs is possible using a data extraction template.  Covidence allows for easy collaboration.  Invite colleagues at Penn or individuals outside of the institution to participate in your review projects.

Support for Publishing Workshops Fall 2023
This workshop is part of a series  hosted by the Libraries in collaboration with the Grad Center at Penn. Each workshop focuses on an element of the research or publishing process. From September through December, take part in in-person workshops covering citation management, impact metrics, promoting your work, selecting the right publishing venue, fair use, and more.  See the full suite of workshops to support you as you make progress toward your publishing goals. Check back to keep track of new workshops being added.