Virtual Gallery Hop

Homecoming Weekend 2022

This event has already occurred

October 20, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Open to the Public
Students examining work by Arthur Tress in the Lea Library

Join us for the annual virtual Gallery Hop! We’ll hear about the newest exhibitions at the Penn Libraries, the Arthur Ross Gallery, the Architectural Archives, and the ICA.

Arthur Ross Gallery

Paths to Freedom presents 26 photographs, an immersive installation, and soundscape by Philadelphia artist John E. Dowell.  Staged in cotton fields at night, Dowell’s photographs conjure the spirits of his enslaved ancestors as they sought freedom, imagining the landscape they encountered in that search.

Architectural Archives

The Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania preserves the works of more than 400 designers from the 17th century to the present. Major collections include the comprehensive archives of a number of the twentieth century's most significant designers, including: Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown; Lawrence Halprin; Ian L. McHarg; Edmund N. Bacon; Anne Griswold Tyng; and Louis I. Kahn.

Penn Libraries

Join Lynne Farrington and Julie Nelson Davis as they give an inside look into the Libraries exhibit Arthur Tress and the Japanese Illustrated Book. This collection, donated by renowned photographer Arthur Tress, includes printed books, manuscripts, and ephemera representing the vibrant world of the Japanese illustrated book. The exhibit also includes Tress’s own photography.


The first major US exhibition dedicated to artist and smell researcher Sissel Tolaas debuts at the Institute of Contemporary Art this fall. Over the course of the past 25 years, Tolaas has developed an artistic practice using smell as her primary medium, composing provocative smells to stimulate memory, recreate place, and arouse emotional and intellectual responses. The exhibition ​is comprised of 20 works that use ​smell to consider a broad range of pressing issues, including climate change, evolution, geopolitics, and anthropology. Tolaas rethinks, reconstructs, revisits, repeats, redesigns, and reacts to these issues in her practice through her use of the intangible, but highly sensory medium. ​

  • Arthur Ross Gallery: Lynn Marsden-Atlass, Executive Director and University Curator
  • Architectural Archives: William Whitaker, Curator, Architectural Archives
  • Penn Libraries: Lynne Farrington, Senior Curator, Kislak Center and Julie Nelson Davis, Professor and Department Chair, History of Art

Homecoming Weekend featuring Arts and Culture at Penn

This program is presented as part of Homecoming Weekend featuring Arts and Culture at Penn. Penn Alumni and partners across the University invite alumni and friends to participate in virtual and in-person programming. Learn more and find all upcoming programs on the Penn Alumni website.

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