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  • Workshop

Virtual Health Literacy Study Club Meeting

In collaboration with Dr. Joan Gluch at the Penn Dental Community Oral Health Division, the Levy Library of Dental Medicine is hosting the Health Literacy Study Club, where we will read foundational and emerging research and best practices about health literacy and patient education.

The May 2023 reading is:

Farokhi, M. R., Muck, A., Lozano-Pineda, J., Boone, S. L., & Worabo, H. (2018). Using Interprofessional Education to Promote Oral Health Literacy in a Faculty-Student Collaborative Practice. Journal of dental education, 82(10), 1091–1097.

This event has already occurred

May 17, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Open to Penn Students, Faculty, and Staff
Four toothbrushes in a square cup