
Scanning is available in the computing and printing area on the library's first floor in the two rooms east of the circulation desk. There is no cost to scan.

Print and Copy

Black and white, color, and two-sided printing is available.

Printing instructions

The cost for black and white is $.07 per page for single-sided printing, and $.05 per page ($.10 per sheet) for double-sided printing.

Color printing is available in certain locations at a cost of $.28 a page, and $.20 per page ($.40 per sheet) for double-sided printing.

Poster printing services are available in the Weigle Information Commons of the Van Pelt Library and by appointment in the Biotech Commons. Posters printed for academic use are charged at $.02/per square inch. Posters printed for personal use are charged $.02/per square inch plus 8% sales tax.

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees