Established in 2008 through an estate gift of Dr. Craig Baxter W'51 G'54 GR'67, this fund supports acquisitions in the field of South Asian Studies.

Following his graduation from the Wharton School in 1951, Craig Baxter served in the U.S. Army for two years, before returning to Penn to earn his Master's Degree in Political Science. He went on to study Hindi and Urdu at the Foreign Service Institute, and served as a political officer in New Delhi, India, before returning to Penn to complete his doctoral studies in History in 1967.

Dr. Baxter held various senior foreign service posts between 1965 and 1978 in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ghana, and Bangladesh, and served as the Officer-in-Charge for International Scientific Relations for the Near East, South Asia, and Africa from 1978-80.

He joined the faculty of Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA, in 1981 where he was a Professor of Politics and History, and Chair of the Political Science Department.

Dr. Baxter authored 13 books and numerous articles on the history and politics of South Asia. He continued to lecture nationally and internationally, and consult with a variety of agencies including the National Foreign Estimate Center, the U.S. Information Agency, and the Department of State. He also served in leadership positions for several institutes and associations establishing and promoting Asian Studies. Through his legacy gift, Dr. Baxter will continue to impact scholarship in South Asian Studies long into the future.

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