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Established by Harold S. Rosenbluth, C'47, J.D.'50 and Frances Baylinson Rosenbluth, ED'48, this fund supports the Otto E. Albrecht Music Library at the University of Pennsylvania and honors Mrs. Rosenbluth's parents, Max C. and Zipora E. Baylinson.

Harold and Frances Rosenbluth first met at the Penn Library. They are pictured at right on the steps of the old main library (now the Fisher Fine Arts Library) during the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.

Recent DVD acquisitions include Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 8, Bruno Walter conducting the New York Philharmonic, and Vincenzo Bellini's Norma by the Canadian Opera Company. The generosity of the Rosenbluths is expanding the depth and breadth of the important Music Library collections at Penn.