We invite you to enhance global studies at Penn with a gift to name a space in the new Center for Global Collections
In July 2022, the Penn Libraries launched the Center for Global Collections as an intellectual hub for engagement with the world. The Center allows students and scholars to explore the diversity of cultures and societies around the world — their histories, languages, perspectives, narratives, and cultural contributions — through Penn's vast information resources, the expertise of a dedicated team of librarians, and dynamic programming.
Our preeminent collections and expert librarians require a state-of-the-art space to match, and our plans for revitalized facilities will fill a vital need for a communal venue for global studies programming on campus.
Some highlights of the plan include:
The new Center for Global Collections will distinguish the Penn Libraries — and the University of Pennsylvania — as an international destination for students and scholars to engage with the diversity of cultures and societies around the world.
Will you support us today? Learn more about ways to give here.
For more information about the Center for Global Collections and how you can make an impact on the capital project, please contact:
June 2025