The Museum Library is closed from 12/21/24 to 1/20/25 due to facilities projects. Patrons will not be able to request materials or scans from the Museum Library's print collections, retrieve materials from the stacks, or pick up or return books during this time. See our Service Alerts for more information.


NATURE Masterclasses for Penn’s Research Community

Nature Masterclasses Professional development training for researchers - via online courses and workshops

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research has an online resource available to the research community across Penn’s campus.  The University of Pennsylvania has an institutional subscription to Nature Masterclasses.  As a member of Penn’s research community, this subscription grants you access to all available online courses on the Nature Masterclasses platform.

Make the most of our university’s subscription! See below for details on what the courses are about and how you can get access to the content.

What can you learn in 20 minutes?

The Nature Masterclasses online courses are specifically designed to be used on demand and at your pace. They are bite-sized (10–20-minute lessons) so you can dip in and out during natural gaps in your work. You choose your learning path – whether that is working through a course in order or dipping in and out of modules.

The courses are designed to be interactive with in-lesson activities that will keep you engaged and give you plenty of opportunities to practice using new skills and concepts.

You will learn techniques and strategies to develop your skills and confidence across a range of essential research activities. You’ll be able to apply these skills to your everyday professional life but also leverage them to develop your career.

You have access Penn’s subscription. Access your training now! Register via Single Sign-On, using your institutional login details to access the courses:

Your subscription includes access to all courses on the Nature Masterclasses platform. These currently include:

How can I get access to the courses? 

UPenn’s access to Nature Masterclasses is provided via Single Sign-On.

1. Visit

2. Go to the Registration page and select University of Pennsylvania as your institution

3. Complete your profile and confirm Penn email address

4. Log in via our institutional portal using your normal institutional login details

If you need further assistance with your course access, please refer to the Help page on the Nature Masterclasses website, where you will find further useful information, FAQs and contact details for the Masterclasses support teams.

Return to Nature Masterclasses anytime

Go to the Research Hub on the OVPR website to return to your classes or to start another.

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