Who has privileges at Lippincott Library Reserves, and for how long can reserves be used?
All University of Pennsylvania students, faculty, and staff are eligible to use reserve materials for 3 hours at a time within the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. Materials may be renewed for an additional 3 hours, as long as others are not waiting to use them.
Print or physical reserves
Physical materials on reserve in Lippincott show the location of "Lippincott Library - Reserve Desk" in the library catalog. We have many of the required and supplementary course readings for Wharton School classes. Items such as DVDs may also be placed on reserve.
Checking out materials
To use materials, request them at the Lippincott Library information desk on the 2nd Floor, west side of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. A PennCard or Library Courtesy Card is required to check out reserve items, and they may be used for 3 hours at a time within Van Pelt.
Returning materials
Please return materials to the Lippincott Library information desk.
If you have any questions about what is on reserve or where to find specific reserve items, you are encouraged to ask anyone at the Lippincott information desk, either in person or by phone (215-898-5926).
Faculty requests
Wharton faculty requests for physical materials (currently owned or to be ordered) to be placed on reserve can be emailed to: lippreserves@wharton.upenn.edu
Electronic reserves
Electronic reserves are located on your Canvas course site under the "Penn Libraries Course Reserves" button.
Faculty requests
Wharton faculty requests to place electronic items on reserve on a Canvas course site can be emailed to: lippreserves@wharton.upenn.edu.