Penn Libraries News

16,764 Oxford University Press Ebooks (and Counting)

The outside of Oxford University Press.

Penn readers may now view and download 16,764 scholarly Oxford University Press ebooks available in the Oxford Scholarship Online ebooks collection.

Oxford Scholarship Online brings together Oxford University Press-imprint titles in 20 subject areas, published from 1963 through today. OSO's strengths are in philosophy, religion, history political science, law, and literature, with works also in economics and finance, psychology, classical studies, music, linguistics, business and management, physics, biology, sociology, public health and epidemiology, social work, neuroscience, mathematics, and palliative care. OSO is hosted on OUP's University Press Scholarship Online platform.

In addition to book prize winners and Nobel prize-winning authors, books by Penn faculty are well-represented in Oxford Scholarship Online. Titles by Penn authors from the past three years include:

The purchase of Oxford Scholarship Online was made possible through a Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc. strategic initiative. By leveraging the participation of large research libraries such as the Penn Libraries in collective purchases, PALCI is able to bring large online collections - Oxford Scholarship Online, ProQuest Ebook Central, AVON videostreaming, SAGE Knowledge - to smaller academic institutions across Pennsylvania.

The current PALCI Oxford Scholarship Online purchase gives the Penn Libraries all current and past Oxford Scholarship Online titles plus all OSO forthcoming titles - approximately 1,000 titles per year - through 2022. As they are released, records for individual ebook titles will appear in Franklin Catalog. Penn Libraries bibliographers will review individual print offerings from Oxford University Press to avoid unnecessary duplication with forthcoming ebook releases in Oxford Scholarship Online.



December 24, 2019


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