28,000 New EBooks: 20 Years of University Press Titles
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The Penn Libraries have added more than 28,000 ebooks from a dozen major university presses as part of our efforts to support off-campus scholarship and learning. Our new acquisition is the centerpiece of our collections responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
Our purchase from the De Gruyter University Press Library covers all titles published from 2000 through the 2022 frontlists for Columbia University, Cornell University, Fordham University, Harvard University, New York University, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of California, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, University of Toronto, and Yale University Presses.
These ebooks join our complete holdings of Penn Press ebooks also in the De Gruyter University Press Library, with more than 2,800 titles from 1898 to the present.
These University Press Library ebooks are friendly for Penn course readings. They are delivered as PDF chapters through PennKey authentication and through our Lean Library browser extension. Chapters may be viewed, downloaded, printed, or saved. Titles for these new ebooks are being added to Franklin Catalog, where faculty and instructors may add them to Canvas course reserve lists.
The new ebooks from these dozen publishers will expand our readers' significant demand for published scholarship. The 33,638 print copies in the Penn Libraries stacks published by these presses since 2000 have been borrowed from our stacks more than 144,600 times.
The University Press Library publisher collections include many notable, prizewinning, and popular works, such as:
- The art of not being governed : an anarchist history of upland southeast Asia / James C. Scott (Yale, 2009).
- Bee time : lessons from the hive / Mark L. Winston (Harvard, 2019).
- Capital in the twenty-first century / Thomas Piketty (Harvard, 2014).
- A chosen exile : a history of racial passing in American life / Allyson Hobbs (Harvard, 2014).
- Conformity : the power of social influences / Cass R. Sunstein (NYU Press, 2019).
- Crossing under the Hudson : the story of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels / Angus Kress Gillespie (Rutgers, 2011).
- Food politics : how the food industry influences nutrition and health / Marion Nestle (California, 2013).
- Insight Philadelphia : historical essays illustrated / Kenneth Finkel. (Rutgers, 2018).
- Irrational exuberance / Robert J. Shiller (3rd ed. Princeton, 2016).
- The Jewish century / Yuri Slezkine (New ed. Princeton, 2019)
- 99 Variations on a proof / Philip Ording (Princeton, 2019).
- On bullshit / Harry G. Frankfurt (Princeton, 2005).
- Pathologies of power : health, human rights, and the new war on the poor / Paul Farmer (California, 2004).
- The Philadelphia barrio : the arts, branding, and neighborhood transformation / Frederick F. Wherry (Chicago, 2011).
- Race and the totalitarian century : geopolitics in the black literary imagination / Vaughn Rasberry (Harvard, 2016)
- This time is different : eight centuries of financial folly / Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff (Princeton, 2009)
- Visualizing taste : how business changed the look of what you eat / Ai Hisano (Harvard, 2019).
More than 100 titles by Penn authors are also represented in the new publisher collections, including:
- Aisha's cushion : religious art, perception, and practice in Islam / Jamal J. Elias (Harvard, 2012).
- Bad advice : or why celebrities, politicians, and activists aren't your best source of health information / Paul A. Offit (Columbia, 2018).
- Birth control battles : how race and class divided American religion / Melissa J. Wilde (California, 2020).
- Bottle fly / Jacqueline Goldfinger (Yale, 2018).
- Bulldozer : demolition and clearance of the postwar landscape / Francesca Russello Ammon (Yale, 2016).
- Chinese architecture : a history / Nancy Steinhardt (Princeton, 2019)
- Corporate bodies and guilty minds : the failure of corporate criminal liability / William S. Laufer (Chicago, 2006).
- Duchamp is my lawyer : the polemics, pragmatics, and poetics of UbuWeb / Kenneth Goldsmith (Columbia, 2020).
- Engineering Philadelphia : the Sellers family and the industrial metropolis / Domenic Vitiello (Cornell, 2013).
- From politics to the pews : how partisanship and the political environment shape religious identity / Michele F. Margolis (Chicago, 2018).
- Hollywood and the culture elite : how the movies became American / Peter Decherney (Columbia, 2005).
- How behavior spreads : the science of complex contagions / Damon Centola (Princeton, 2018).
- Interaction ritual chains / Randall Collins (Princeton, 2005).
- The loud minority : why protests matter in American democracy / Daniel Q. Gillion (Princeton, 2020).
- The naked blogger of Cairo : creative insurgency in the Arab world / Marwan M. Kraidy (Harvard, 2016).
- Observation and experiment : an introduction to causal inference / Paul R. Rosenbaum (Harvard, 2017).
- A place that matters yet : John Gubbins's MuseumAfrica in the postcolonial world / Sara Byala (Chicago, 2013).
- Populating the novel : literary form and the politics of surplus life / Emily Steinlight (Cornell, 2018).
- Race music : black cultures from bebop to hip-hop / Guthrie P. Ramsey (California, 2003).
- The Red Guard generation and political activism in China / Guobin Yang (Columbia, 2016).
- Shadow archives : the lifecycles of African American literature / Jean-Christophe Cloutier (Columbia, 2019).
- The social origins of language / Robert M. Seyfarth and Dorothy L. Cheney (Princeton, 2018).
- The source of the river : the social origins of freshmen at America's selective colleges and universities / Douglas S. Massey, Camille Z. Charles et al. (Princeton, 2002).
- The spectre of race : how discrimination haunts western democracy / Michael G. Hanchard (Princeton, 2018).
- The spirit of compromise : why governing demands it and campaigning undermines it / Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson (Princeton, 2012).
- Thin description : ethnography and the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem / John L. Jackson, Jr. (Harvard, 2013).
- The traveling artist in the Italian Renaissance : geography, mobility, and style / David Young Kim (Yale, 2014).
- Unequal childhoods : class, race, and family life / Annette Lareau (2nd ed., California, 2011).
- When experiments travel : clinical trials and the global search for human subjects / Adriana Petryna (Princeton, 2009).
- White world order, black power politics : the birth of American international relations / Robert Vitalis (Cornell, 2015).
We are excited about providing these ebooks to Penn readers. De Gruyter is still assembling the ebook backlists for some participating publishers, and we will add records to Franklin Catalog as those additions become available to us. Owing to copyright or licensing, co-publication with other presses or institutions, or other issues, not every title published by these twelve presses is included in their University Press Library collections. We will continue to purchase print copies of titles from these twelve publishers selectively. If you have a question about a specific title's availability, please ask us about it.
June 14, 2020