New foreign newspapers online: Irish Times and Jerusalem Post

The Penn Libraries have added two important foreign newspapers to its collection of historic fulltext news sources, the Irish Times and the Jerusalem Post.
The Irish Times, published in Dublin, reports on the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Founded in 1859 as a daily broadsheet, the newspaper was Protestant and Unionist for most of its early years, gradually becoming the newspaper of record for Ireland.
The Jerusalem Post, founded in 1932 as an independent daily broadsheet with a Zionist voice, the Palestine Post, is the leading English-language Israeli newspaper.
Our subscription to the ProQuest Historical Newspapers : The Irish Times and the Weekly Irish Times brings searchable fulltext with PDF-format article and page images for the daily newspaper, 1859-2018, and for its weekly supplement under various titles (Weekly Irish Times, Times Pictorial, Irish Pictorial), 1876-1958.
The ProQuest Historical Newspapers interface for these two newspapers provides PDF-format article and page images in addition to searchable fulltext. Search tags permit searches for article titles, bylines, and datelines, and for newspaper sections and pages. A document type search filter reduces search results to articles, banners, advertisements and notices, editorials and letters to the editor, and front page articles for the two newspapers.
The Irish Times and the Jerusalem Post are provided through ProQuest Historical Newspapers, joining other foreign, international, and U.S. national and regional with historic backfile runs, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and the Times of India.
October 20, 2019