voxgov: 50 Million U.S. Federal Government News Items

voxgov ingests social media and official government releases published on thousands of U.S. federal government websites and from government Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube accounts from all branches of government from the year 2000 to just a few minutes ago.
The voxgov search interface makes discovery within this database of 50 million items easy, with filtering for types of official releases, social media platforms, branch of government and specific agency, and – for members of Congress – party affiliation and personal demographic characteristics.
voxgov provides fulltext for each news item and social media post. Search results are visualized through timeline graphs, word clouds, and statistical graphs.

The Penn Libraries voxgov subscription also brings to Penn readers access to voxgov Federal, monitoring U.S. federal regulatory activity by adding 12 million public comments on proposed regulations to the basic voxgov assemblage.
April 28, 2020