10am - 12am | Library Hours
10am - 12am | Library Hours
The East Asia Seminar Room houses more than 3,600 reference books in East Asian studies and more than 50 unbound core academic journals in Chinese and Japanese. These materials are non-circulating, though East Asian Studies professors and graduate students may borrow items with the Chinese or Japanese bibliographer's special written permission.
The Candice and Robert Willoughby East Asian Studies Seminar Room is designated for research and teaching in East Asian studies. Those using the seminar room for individual and group research activities in East Asian studies will have priority over other users.
East Asian Studies classes can be held in this seminar room on a semester-by-semester basis. East Asian Studies faculty may also reserve the room in three-hour segments for other occasions throughout the year. A schedule of reservations is posted on the Seminar Room door.
For the whiteboard, bring your own markers and eraser.
The computer workstation in the seminar room has specialized software for the use of East Asian-language databases.
No food or beverage is allowed.
526 Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, 5th floor
1 large gender-neutral, accessible bathroom and a lactation room are located near the 5th floor east bank of elevators. 4 gender-neutral, accessible bathrooms are located in the 5th floor west elevator lobby. (see floorplan)