10am - 6pm | Library Hours
10am - 6pm | Library Hours
We welcome faculty to use the seminar room with their classes in collaboration with Penn Libraries and our Program Partners. You can select the appropriate link above to request use of the 1968 Seminar Room. For semester requests, please submit your request before April 15 for fall term, October 15 for spring term and March 15 for summer terms. Please reach out to us with questions at wic1@pobox.upenn.edu.
Food and drink are allowed in this room.
Room 124 Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, 1st floor
Weigle Information Commons
The room manager will email you with the status of your request.
For faculty
Questions? Please email wic1@pobox.upenn.edu
The telephone number for incoming calls is 215-573-4199.
Nearest bathroom is immediately above on the second floor: Take an elevator from Weigle Information Commons. One accessible, gender-neutral bathroom is located at the west end of the library in the Lippincott space. (see floorplan)
Nearest bathroom is immediately above on the second floor: Take an elevator from Weigle Information Commons. One accessible, gender-neutral bathroom is located at the west end of the library in the Lippincott space. (see floorplan)