Collaborative Classroom

Collaborative Classroom in Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

About the Collaborative Classroom

See a video of the Collaborative Classroom in action!

User guide for instructors

Faculty reservations only. The room manager will email you with the status of your request.

Classroom Scheduling

Please place a request through the Central Pool SAIL Classroom Request Form and we will be in touch when room scheduling is underway. We're experiencing increased demand for this classroom space, so please indicate whether you have any flexibility in class meeting day(s)/time blocks in 'Step 5' of this form. 

Where to print, copy, scan

Accordion List


  • Configurable furniture (5 tables, 1 instructor station)
  • Projector screens (built into each work station)
  • Glass wall for writing
  • Whiteboard

Location and Accessibility


For Wheelchairs

  • Sufficient doorway & hallway clearance
  • Clearance to approach table
  • Table with accessible surface height, knee clearance, and leg clearance


  • Natural and/or non-fluorescent light

Nearby Bathrooms

Nearest bathroom is immediately above on the second floor: Take an elevator from Weigle Information Commons. One accessible, gender-neutral bathroom is located at the west end of the library in the Lippincott space. (see floorplan)

Accessible Entrance

Accessible entrance on the ground floor. A brick walk leads from the north side of Levy Park to the accessible door. At the end of the walk are 2 doors. The accessible door is on the right.

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees