Fisher Fine Arts Carrels

Students in Weitzman School of Design and History of Art programs are eligible to apply for a carrel. Due to the limited number of carrels, graduate students in a PhD program or last year of Master’s study are given priority. Students at other points in these programs and seniors in the History of Art program embarking on their thesis will be placed on a wait list.

Image of finearts-carrels.png

Using carrels

The benefit of using a carrel is that one can maintain a core collection of materials in one place, charged to their carrel. These materials are not to leave the building and are subject to recalls. If you would like to take a book charged to your carrel out of the library, you must have it charged to your Penn account.

Submit your application or contact for more information.

Where to print, copy, scan

Accordion List


No food is allowed in the Fisher Fine Arts Library. Beverages in covered containers are allowed.

Location and Accessibility


Nearby Bathrooms

The accessible bathrooms are on the Lower Level.

  • Go to the Main Reading Room on the first floor. Exit through the turnstile. Turn left to the elevator and take the elevator to the Lower Level.  
    1st floor plan showing the elevator
  • On the Lower Level, from the elevator, turn right to the bathrooms. For the women's room, turn right again around the water fountain. 
    Lower Level floor plan

Accessible Entrance

Fisher accessible entrance

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees