Holman Relaxation Room

The Relaxation Room is a non-academic quiet space intended for folks to take a break from studying and other stressful things.

A room with two yoga mats on the floor and two low tables with candles, stress balls, blankets, and notebooks on them.

The Relaxation Room is a non-academic quiet space intended for folks to take a break from studying and other stressful things. You are welcome to stretch on the yoga mats, do chair yoga, color, write positive thoughts, listen to soothing music, do a puzzle, and/or squeeze a stress ball!

Where to print, copy, scan

Accordion List

  • No reservations are needed to use the Relaxation Room.  
  • The room must remain unlocked with the door open.
  • The room is intended only for relaxation. No studying, sleeping, or activities other than relaxation are permitted in the Relaxation Room.
  • Please respect the rights of others in the room.  
  • Please remain silent and silence electronic devices.
  • The posters have QR codes that link to relaxing sounds. If you choose to scan the QR to listen to relaxing sounds, please use your own device and headphones.
  • Food and beverages are prohibited.  
  • Burning of any material, incense, or candles is prohibited.
  • Room furnishings and supplies must remain in the room.
  • Before leaving the room, please use disinfectant wipes on the yoga mats, cushions, and other objects you used.
  • Before leaving the Relaxation Room, please open the Guest Book and let us know how long you were in the room along with what you did to relax. This information will help us better understand the usage of this room and how we can continue supporting it.

Soft seating

  • Yoga mats
  • Soft cushions
  • Coloring books
  • Puzzles
  • Stress balls
  • Fidget spinners

In October 2018, the Biomedical Library (now the Holman Biotech Commons) opened the Relaxation Room in the then-newly reopened Stemmler side of the library. From March 2020 through March 2022, the Relaxation Room closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent renovation of the Holman Biotech Commons (formerly known as the Biomedical Library). During the two-year closure, virtual wellness programs were created, which are still available.

Learn more about current wellness programs at the Penn Libraries.

Location and Accessibility


For Wheelchairs

  • Sufficient doorway & hallway clearance


  • Natural and/or non-fluorescent light

Nearby Bathrooms

An accessible all-gender restroom is located in the Johnson Pavilion side of the Biotech Commons. (see floorplan)

Accessible Entrance

Holman accessible entrance map. The entrance is on the west end of the Johnson Pavilion, north of the gallery that joins Johnson and the John Morgan Building

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees