Museum Library Group Study Rooms

Four-person group study room in the Penn Museum Library.

Rooms A445 & A446, Level 2 Museum Library

The Museum Library has two small rooms, each equipped with 1 Mediascape table and approximately 4 chairs (can accommodate 5-6), that are available for use by Penn faculty, students, staff, and authorized individuals for meetings or quiet study.

Reservation Rules

Requests for room reservations will only be approved and confirmed by authorized Museum Library staff during their normal office hours 9AM-5PM, Mondays-Fridays. Therefore, in order to receive confirmation, you must submit a request at least one weekday in advance of your time slot. Library staff reserve the right to reject or cancel a request.

  • Rooms are only available for use during the Museum Library’s regular operating hours.   
  • Rooms can be booked in 30-minute time slots for a maximum of 3 hours per day.
  • The rooms are not sound-proofed, so please keep voices and any audio equipment at low volume in order to be respectful of researchers sitting nearby.
  • Please do not leave library books or other materials in the room when you leave.

Where to print, copy, scan

Accordion List

5 to 6 (each room)

  • Mediascape table

  • No food nor drink is permitted in the room.

Location and Accessibility


For Wheelchairs

  • Sufficient doorway & hallway clearance
  • Clearance to approach table
  • Table with accessible surface height, knee clearance, and leg clearance

Orthopedic Accessibility

  • Chairs have adjustable height


  • Natural and/or non-fluorescent light

Nearby Bathrooms

The nearest accessible bathroom is located on the first floor of the museum. Take the elevator down, to your left should be a way into one of the museum's entrances where the bathroom is located. (see floor plan)

Additional Information

The map on the right shows the location of the Museum's East Entrance. Both the Main Entrance and the East Entrance are accessible, but the East Entrance is more convenient for getting to the Library.

See the Museum's Accessibility page for more details.

Accessible Entrance

Museum on campus map, showing location of accessible east entrance

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees