Jajwalya "Jaj" Karajgikar (she/her) is the Applied Data Science Librarian for the UPenn community.

With extensive experience in data storytelling, natural language processing, computational social sciences, data visualization, network analysis, and knowledge mining (text/data/etc), Jaj engages with researchers across the disciplines interested in employing these techniques. She founded the AI Literacy Interest Group, hosts Carpentry workshops, collaborating on digital scholarship projects, working with the graduate center and other campus partners to establish foundational programming in research computing, data literacy, and data ethics.

Her research interests and adventures range from multilingual manuscripts, Asian art and culture, games-based learning, media studies, critical making to Digital Humanities and Critical Artificial Intelligence.

She has an MS in Computational Sciences from George Mason University and is a Post-Baccalaureate student at the University of Pennsylvania.

Other Affiliations:

American Institute of Indian Studies Digital Scholarship Committee Member

Association for Computers and the Humanities Council Representative

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations DH24 Program Committee Chair

PrincetonCDH New Languages for Natural Language Processing Member

Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Text Data Mining Education for Advocacy (TEA) Task Force Member

Image of Jaj gesturing in front of a historical clock device and presentation screen wearing a blue sweater with data visualizations

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Areas of Expertise
  • Digital scholarship
  • Data management
  • Digital humanities
  • Digital information

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