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Kevin helps students, staff, and faculty find and analyze business data. He offers guidance in quantitative data analysis techniques; resources for data discovery, collection, and management; as well as instruction and troubleshooting for data visualization and analysis software. You may have seen Kevin leading workshops in Excel or R programming among other topics.
Kevin holds a Master's degree in Applied Statistics from Colorado State University and Bachelor's in Sociology from Messiah College. Before joining Penn, he practiced analytical skills in a range of business capacities including optimizing operational performance with Lean/Six-sigma tools at Merck subsidiary Telerx Marketing (now C3i Solutions), managing web-based retail marketing at Famous Smoke Shop, and assessing wellness program efficacy for 3:1 Corporate Health and Productivity Management Solutions.


Pronouns: He, him, his

Professional Affiliation
  • American Library Association (ALA)
  • American Statistical Association (ASA)
  • Association for College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
Areas of Expertise
  • Business
  • Business economics & public policy
  • Operations, information, & decisions
  • Statistics