
Accordion Column of Lists

Patrons with disabilities who need assistance with photocopying should contact the Accessibility & Learning Technologies group at

Accordion Column of Lists

Staff are available to assist patrons with disabilities in retrieving materials that are on reserve.


Butler Assistive Technologies Room

Butler Assistive Technology Room

This room (G 101.11) is located in the Goldstein Undergraduate Center near the bank of elevators. It is restricted to Penn Card holders and is always locked.

Available Hardware and Software:

We have technology for all kinds of needs and our aim is to offer accommodations to support student learning. In order to get the best and latest equipment for our users we often wait for a potential user to request the type of equipment needed rather than purchasing equipment that no current student wants. Please contact Student Disabilities Services with your equipment needs (voice: 215-573-9235 | TDD: 215-746-6320).

Butler Assistive Technology Room


Books by Mail

For a summary of this service, please see the Books by Mail guide.

Alternative format materials requests

If you need any library materials converted into an accessible format, please send an email request to and include the item information and type of remediation needed (i.e. accessible pdf, captions, transcription, image description, etc.).


SensusAccess is an easy-to-use OCR tool that allows users to transform documents into many formats, including MP3, DAISY, EPUB, and digital Braille. Penn now has a subscription for all university students, faculty, and staff: 



All patrons are responsible for returning library materials on time. For more information, visit the Fines and Fees guide or contact the circulation desk.

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees